Report user contents

Fill out this form to report an infringement of copyright, authorship rights, image rights or other rights on the contents that @collado_photo has uploaded to Litmind.

Profile picture
Profile wallpaper
Portfolio, 8 Images
Kimono´s in love
Portfolio, 6 Images
Japanese dreams
Portfolio, 7 Images
Love from Japan
Portfolio, 3 Images
Portfolio, 8 Images
Dreaming about kimonos
Portfolio, 6 Images
Colours for summer
Portfolio, 12 Images
Pearls and flowers
Portfolio, 4 Images
Colours and fun
Portfolio, 10 Images
Spring Flower
Portfolio, 10 Images
Black Petals
Portfolio, 8 Images
Men´s casual sport
Portfolio, 6 Images
Portfolio, 6 Images
Studio Dolls
Portfolio, 7 Images
Portfolio, 8 Images
Mediterranean Winter
Portfolio, 5 Images
Mediterranean Winter
Portfolio, 6 Images
Tulle skin
Portfolio, 6 Images
Bride & Widow
Portfolio, 8 Images
80s disco fever
Portfolio, 5 Images
Mediterranean Winter
Portfolio, 6 Images
Sweet Dolls Crew
Portfolio, 8 Images
Mediterranean Winter
Portfolio, 4 Images
Portfolio, 6 Images
Cuttie Dolls
Portfolio, 20 Images
New Year´s Toast
Portfolio, 4 Images
Flying Pinup
Portfolio, 4 Images
Life under paper
Portfolio, 10 Images
Flying Pinup
Portfolio, 12 Images
Dressed on tulles
Portfolio, 6 Images
Fashion in Spain
Portfolio, 10 Images
Portfolio, 16 Images
Fashion for all
Portfolio, 12 Images
Bride & Widow
Portfolio, 5 Images
Plastics & Jewels
Portfolio, 6 Images
The lady in Green
Portfolio, 9 Images
Portfolio, 4 Images
Friends in fashion
Portfolio, 17 Images
Fashion for all
Portfolio, 10 Images
Fashion in Green
Portfolio, 8 Images
Jewels & Plastics
Portfolio, 10 Images
Hit the Green
Portfolio, 12 Images
Next Gen Dresses
Portfolio, 11 Images
Dressed In Yellow
Portfolio, 6 Images
Made in Japan
Portfolio, 4 Images
In Yellow
Portfolio, 8 Images
I bet everyting on red
Portfolio, 14 Images
Made in Japan
Portfolio, 24 Images
Elegant In Blue
Portfolio, 5 Images
Human robotics
Portfolio, 12 Images
Futuristic robots
Portfolio, 8 Images
Yellow summer
Portfolio, 12 Images
Portfolio, 10 Images
It´s festival time
Portfolio, 5 Images
On my Neck
Portfolio, 6 Images
Artificial Intelligence
Portfolio, 4 Images
In Blue
Portfolio, 12 Images
Dresses Fabrics
Portfolio, 10 Images
Between Fabrics
Portfolio, 6 Images
Paper World
Portfolio, 8 Images
Asier´s walk through
Portfolio, 12 Images
Time for fun!
Portfolio, 4 Images
Cocktail Time
Portfolio, 4 Images
Big bet to red
Portfolio, 12 Images
Walking around the sun
Portfolio, 7 Images
Jewelry and cocktails
Portfolio, 6 Images
Colours against the fight
Portfolio, 6 Images
Would you like a cocktail?
Portfolio, 9 Images
Portfolio, 5 Images
Dressed for the summer
Portfolio, 5 Images
Kisses from África
Portfolio, 4 Images
Make love not war
Portfolio, 6 Images
Sailor of love
Portfolio, 12 Images
Walking around the sun
Portfolio, 11 Images
Pray for peace
Portfolio, 8 Images
The retro is back
Portfolio, 10 Images
Men´s Fashion on a 35mm reel
Portfolio, 8 Images
Sixties are back
Portfolio, 10 Images
The brunette in sustainable clothes
Portfolio, 8 Images
The street awaits for you
Portfolio, 10 Images
From África with love
Portfolio, 3 Images
The dream of the bride
Portfolio, 6 Images
Let the spring walk the street"
Portfolio, 10 Images
Asia&Lenka´s wardrobe
Portfolio, 10 Images
On the bride´s dress
Portfolio, 8 Images
The spring stills going
Portfolio, 13 Images
Thinking on the 60's
Portfolio, 10 Images
Awaiting for the summer
Portfolio, 4 Images
Talking about the 60´s
Portfolio, 4 Images
With love from Ukraine
Portfolio, 7 Images
Stomping in the city
Portfolio, 6 Images
Retro fashion hits hard
Portfolio, 6 Images
Wedding dresses
Portfolio, 8 Images
A classic look ever fits
Portfolio, 10 Images
Flourished bride
Portfolio, 9 Images
Bridal vivacy
Portfolio, 4 Images
Looking at the Bride
Portfolio, 10 Images
The Bride in white
Portfolio, 4 Images
The new era of corsets
Portfolio, 4 Images
Sustainable fashion rules
Portfolio, 10 Images
The empowering of corset
Portfolio, 6 Images
Dressed in sustainability
Portfolio, 6 Images
Sustainability through the city
Portfolio, 8 Images
Colour Schemes
Portfolio, 6 Images
Not without my cello
Portfolio, 6 Images
Dressed in black
Portfolio, 8 Images
The waiter in black
Portfolio, 8 Images
Floral dreams
Portfolio, 6 Images
Corset time travel
Portfolio, 6 Images
The Cellist
Portfolio, 4 Images
The temporal framings of corsets
Portfolio, 4 Images
Not without my cello
Portfolio, 4 Images
Portfolio, 4 Images
The feminine side of masculinity
Portfolio, 6 Images
Fotografía beauty
Portfolio, 34 Images
Un poco de Danza
Portfolio, 14 Images
Catálogo Mastura
Portfolio, 14 Images
Pasarela Española 2021
Portfolio, 26 Images
Books Actorales
Portfolio, 83 Images
Reveligion "The Party" SS/2022
Portfolio, 10 Images
Catálogo ZeerMod
Portfolio, 32 Images
Lookbook Mamah África
Portfolio, 11 Images
Sesiones en Estudio
Portfolio, 88 Images
Sesiones en Exteriores
Portfolio, 112 Images
Sesiones para Microstock
Portfolio, 62 Images
Select from the list on the left the photos and videos you want to report

Choose the reason of your report

This contents are subjected to publication rights or licenses, and have been published without the needed rights, licences, or in violation of the publication conditions.
I'm a model in this photos or videos and I didn't gave permission to publish them here.
There are logos or brands with some rights that have been violated on this content.
The location is a private place and didn't gave permission for this publication.
I'm not a model but I appear in this photos or videos, and I didn't gave permission for this publication.
Other problems about rights infringement related to this contents. (Enter the details below)
If what you really need is to actually report a bad behavior or an abuse by this user, fill in a user report instead of this copyright claim.
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Claimant name
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How do we act?

We will investigate thoroughly all the information you provide us here, and we'll keep your report strictly confidential. The person you're reporting won't know that you reported them.

If we can confirm an infringement took place, we'll remove the contents as soon as possible.

If additional documentation is needed in order to confirm whether a rights infringement took place, we'll request this information to the reported user. If this documentation is not provided within a reasonable amount of time, if it's invalid, or if it does not prove that there was no copyright infringement, we'll remove the contents.

We'll keep you informed via email about the status of the case.

Why do we have this reporting mechanism?

To ensure authorship rights, model image rights and other rights like intellectual property rights are observed, all Litmind users have accepted in our Terms of Use their obligation to only upload contents for which they have all rights and permissions. Unfortunately, it's impossible to guarantee that all users will observe this conditions.

In compliance with the Law, we publicly provide this tool so anyone can report a copyright infringement, that allows us to act promtply whenever an infringement is detected.

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