Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

🕰Duration of one shoot🕰

🕰Often my clients, when ordering a photo shoot, are interested in the duration of the entire process. 🧐 Well, I suggest you answer this common question now. :) 😁

🕰In fact, 30 minutes is enough for shooting. During this time, you can quite manage to take a lot of pictures and go home, waiting for the final result. But half an hour is just a minimum. 😏

🕰For the most comfortable shooting, you can allocate a period of two hours. During this period of time, we will be able to get to know each other properly, get used to and relax, which makes the photos even brighter and more interesting! 😊

🕰I want to finally highlight the recommended duration of shooting📸 with children – no more than 1 hour. Why is that? It just happens quite often that children start to get tired, yawn, lose their energy. 😅 It's better to have time to take photos in the first allotted hour :) 😉

🕰And how much time are you willing to devote to shooting? Is there a desire to bring your children? Leave comments and share your impressions! I read everyone with great interest ;) 😄


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