Photographer in Moscow, Moskva, Russia

🎊New Year in childhood🎊

We all remember our childhood...Surely these are warm memories. I want to share my story.📝

🎊Before the New Year, there is a tradition among children to write letters ✉️ to Santa Claus. I was no exception and once wrote that I wanted a bag of laughter for the holiday.😆

🎊 I was little, but laughter.. he's so cheerful, warm and pleasant, why not get a whole bag? But the most amazing thing is that I really got this gift.😅

🎊 Yes! It turns out there are such toys.But one has only to imagine what kind of work it cost to get it for my parents, because in those days there was not even the Internet! :)☺️

Do you remember what you asked for on New Year's Eve? What was the most memorable gift? Feel free to tell your stories in the comments! I think it will be pleasant not only for me to read about other people's joys! 😉


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